About BLE

We are a digital magazine rooted in Black leftist feminism and the belief that narrative shifts are necessary, pivotal and inevitable agents in bringing about social and institutional transformation.

Our interdisciplinary magazine springs from the recognition that radical movements have emerged primarily through youth centered organizing, and sees cultural organizing as an educational tool aiding in the production of strategy and collaboration.

Representing a dynamic new structure and vision for community engagement and collaboration, the magazine will function as a digital and physical co-learning political and cultural organizing space, that supports participants in cultivating their visions of social change. The collective and experimental archive will be a cultural resource that preserves artistic, innovative and historical community building in Black communities across the globe.

Each issue will contain nine weeks of material. Twice a week over nine weeks there will be a reveal of original pieces of freely available work from contributors representing, speaking to, and driven by a local Black community perspective.  

At the conclusion of the nine weeks of content reveal, the reader should gain a deeper understanding of Black life in the selected city. We will gather together at the end of each issue to celebrate all we have created, all we have learned, and our love of Black people.

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Our goal is to show the nuance, beauty, challenges, and joy that constitute Black Life Everywhere, today.